When and where is IRX (InternetRetailing Expo) 2025?
IRX will take place at the NEC, Birmingham on Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 May 2025.
What are the opening times for IRX?
Tuesday 13 May 2024: 09:30 – 17:00 (free networking drinks from 17:00-18:30)
Wednesday 14 May 2024: 09:30 – 16:00
Is it completely free?
Yes, IRX are completely free to attend, as are all the conference sessions, masterclasses, roundtables and the networking drinks on the evening of the first night.
How do I get to IRX?
Find out all the ways to get to IRX here
How can I exhibit at IRX?
Download the exhibitor brochure and a member of the sales team will be touch soon.
When and where are the networking drinks?
The drinks will be served on the show floor on Tuesday 13 May 2025 from 17:00. It is free for everyone to attend. Find out more here
How do I become a VIP?
The VIP programme is open to senior-level players from the UK's top retailers and brands. No need to apply, just register and, should you qualify, we will email you to let you know you have been upgraded. Register here.
Is there an event app?
Yes, there will be an event app which all registrants will receive access to approximately 2 weeks before the event. You will be able to book sessions, network and plan your stay at the show!
I'm having problems registering or any other issues with the website
Please contact out support team at
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13 & 14 May 2025 | NEC Birmingham
The community driving the future of eCommerce
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